Saturday, September 27, 2008

calories calories...

Okay, I have to publish this because this is ridiculous. First off, I LOVE Starbucks cookies...I admit--I love them all, but especially enjoy a chocolate chip cookie now and again...had one yesterday as a matter of fact. Now, for the sad news: One (ONE) chocolate chip cookie from Starbucks has 420 calories! AHHH! This is craziness. I realize many of you (as in all 3 of my readers of this blog...Hi Kris! :-)) may not care, but for all of the naive Starbucks cookie eaters, I feel it is my duty to get this word out. I must thank SELF magazine for this tidbit of information. What a useful read.


Anonymous said...

If you think the cookies are bad, check out their fru fru drinks....

I used to order tall non-fat caramel machiato with sugar free vanilla, but I come off as a seriously neurotic person (Can't have coffee these days so oh well).

Calories are insane in pretty much anything you eat out and if it isn't that, the high sodium gets you :)

~T (I told you I read your blog on facebook... I totally wasn't lying)

Stiles Family-mostly Kristen said...

You need to treat yourself once in a while! Who cares about the calories. Oh, remember mom's chocolate cookies, yum!!