Thursday, August 28, 2008


Okay--so technically the DNC ended yesterday, phew, right? But alas,'s still its own kind of madness in the downtown area...the area I have to go through to make it to the office. Total pain in the you know what to get around. I just wanted to scream today, "Go home already!"

Again, nothing big to report. On a different note, I ran into (or rather walked by) that hot dog vendor guy again and he seemed *very* excited to see me and of course gave me an ice-cold Sprite along with a napkin to hold it with. The two cops...I think perhaps SWAT team members actually (there was a protest nearby that just got over) both smiled as they saw the "service" I got. Hilarious!

Other than lots of cops, state troopers (mmm...some very hot ones, too boot!) and SWAT team members roaming the city...not much to report. I guess the Hard Rock Cafe was surrounded by large crowds today as some celebrity was dining there. Pathetic. I'm just ready for everyone to get the hell out of our beautiful city already so life can go back to normal!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

DNC-Day 2

Nothing very interesting to report. Just a bunch of crazy traffic this afternoon, road closures, etc. Oh, and a police escort to the Ritz-Carlton next to my office. Sadly, didn't get to see for whom the escort was for. Blah.

Monday, August 25, 2008

DNC-Day 1

Most of the world knows (unless of course you have been hiding under a rock) that the Democratic National Convention is taking place in Denver this week. Our office, as kind of a knee-jerk reaction, is closed for the week because of it. Since we're in the heart of downtown it seemed like a smart thing to do. Which means we're all working from home this week. Unfortunately, as I am the only office admin, I have to come in to get the mail and all that, but am allowed to work from home as well. So, I've actually been here quite awhile today and have been able to see what is going on for the DNC.

Nothing very exciting has happened (like I thought), but I did run into a protest---with SWAT teams and everything(!) on the 16th Street Mall. It was some crazy, right-wing, Anti-Gay religious group. Sad, that people are so crazy about that kind of stuff. Live and let live! And of course, there was a guy with a huge poster about Jesus Saving (which I believe in) but he was condemning anyone who believed differently than him. He was asking people in the crowd if they were "saved" and then if you answered to the contrary (one gentleman said he was an atheist) well, you got a few scriptures and some damning words. Gee whiz, people, lead by example, I say.

So, that's my report for the day.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Another video (sorry for the text in the middle!)

Puppy updates...

So, Beau is definitely getting better adjusted to his new life. His walks are going much smoother...and he doesn't stop EVERY time a stranger is near...but he still stops quite a bit. One day at a time, I guess. Aria (my cat) loves to play with him and tease him, too. She's definitely letting him know he is on HER turf now. They wrestle ALL the time, now. Beau doesn't run away from her so I think he might actually like it. He hardly growls when they play (although he definitely tries to bite her...), but I think it is all play. And when Aria gets a bit nervous that the "playing" isn't so much play as fighting, she takes off. She loves to sit on Beau's crate and womp at him with her paws. Like a good little brother, he puts up with it. I think he secretly likes her, actually. LOL

I've included some video of this, but unfortunately the program I used to upload it puts a stupid label in the middle. Oh well. You'll get the idea. And yes, I have towels on my bed...bad habit of mine...I should just immediately hang them up. Blah.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The New Family

So, I really need to get a digital camera--it's just never been high on my priority list, but now I really want to start posting more pictures (of Beau, my new puppy for one). I guess it will go on my shopping list.

So I apologize for the lack of pictures--there have been lots of requests for pics of Bo-Bo (my nick name for Beau) and I will put some up as soon as I get a camera. In the meantime, you will just have to imagine how cute he is :-).

Anyway, so I was lying in bed reading the other day ("Breaking Dawn" for those who didn't already guess) and was surrounded by my 10 lb tuxedo cat, Aria, on one side and Beau snuggled up close (as always) on the other. I had to smile at what a funny little family I have right now. I realize some people (typically married with kids folks) roll their eyes when you say your animals are your family, but to those who have a family pet, they REALLY are. I don't really think of my little animals as my "children" but rather an extension of a loving family that belongs to me. I definitely want kids someday, but for now, this is fun and fine for me.

Beau is still really trying to adjust. He has really attached himself to me and is a little snuggle-bunny when allowed to be so. Unfortunately, he has had a difficult time on walks---he will walk and then stop whenever a stranger is in sight. He is getting better, and I know it takes time, but my heart breaks for him. I'm doing my best to catch up on reading regarding training dogs. I have found the "Dog Whisperer's" website and have found helpful information there. I have faith that in time, and with patience and work, Beau will be a happy and well balanced puppy. But, in the meantime, you're all free to add him (and Me!) in your prayers.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Looking towards the future---

On a totally different topic--for those of you who know me you are aware that after I graduate from college I plan on getting further training to teach at a Waldorf/Steiner school. I love the philosophy behind these private schools and want to be a part of that. I NEVER thought I would want to be a teacher, but it seems to be in my blood (both Mom, Dad and assorted Aunts, Uncles and Cousins are teachers) and I should just stop fighting it.

So, I have to figure out where I want to be trained. There are lots of options---both in the U.S. and abroad. I kept thinking I wanted to learn at the Melbourne Steiner school in Australia, but it always felt kind of off. I really want to live abroad for awhile so I have continued to look at other options. Since I want to learn in English (duh) that quickly narrowed down my choices. Leaving only Ireland and England. Ireland has very few teacher's education choices so I took a look at glorious old England. I'm leaning towards Emerson College which is outside London, but in a cool rural area. Looking at the lifestyle out there it looks great! I e-mailed the school today to ask about accommodations for myself and my pets (nope I am NOT leaving them behind) so I will wait and see what they have to say. A picture of the school is above.

Another interesting note--the school is located near where Winnie the Pooh stories were set to--as in the "Hundred Acre Wood" and all that. Very fun and fairy-tale like, but still near a real city just by train. Hmm....will have to think about this one. It would definitely be an adventure!

And the winner is....

So my friend (and co-worker), Cassie, kindly took me out to lovely Aurora, CO (blah) to pick out the puppy I want to take home.

The foster mom was very kind (and she was very lovely, too, I don't know why that surprised me...) and we got to see the 3 puppies she was fostering. They were all siblings, but they all looked very different. They came from a litter of 7! Wow! Anyway, it was a choice between the two boys (featured below) and a little female puppy named Izzy. They were all yapping like crazy when we first approached them in the backyard, but when we separated them out they were fine. Izzy was very sweet and cute, but little Beau (Pictured Above) was great! He was about 7 lbs so not too too small and when Cassie picked him up he started drifting off to he's pretty docile. Although I think that might be a puppy thing--the whole napping at a moment's notice. That did it, though (that and the fact that even the foster mom's husband wished they could keep him so he must be great!).

Helen, the foster mom said his temperament would do well with my cat, too, so we seemed like a good match. I told Helen I would be back to pick him up and take him home(!) this Friday after work. That way I would have the whole weekend to be with him and make sure the introduction to my darling kitty, Aria, goes smoothly. I am very excited!