Friday, October 10, 2008

Puppy Play-

So yesterday evening I had a fun night with the "Girls"--well, I actually only knew one girl last friend from work, Cassie, the other women were her friends. We had a great time, though! Usually, I am the ONLY one not drinking, but since one of Cass' friends is pregnant I had at least one other non-drinking person to talk with. It was great, though, to get to know some more women in the area around my age. We had some yummy snacks and some good talks. Also, I brought Bo-Bo to meet Cassie's dog, Blaze, a miniature Alaskan Husky or something like that. He is very friendly. I was hoping it would help Beau get socialized. Well, at first Beau flipped out and attacked, but then something wonderful happened...he backed off. And then as the night went on, started playing with Blaze! Hurray! Well, then it turned to Beau humping Blaze, but at least it was better than fighting? It was pretty funny. Beau is fixed, but I guess that doesn't stop the action. After all, he does hump my cat, Aria every couple of weeks...Aria of course flips out. Understandable...she's not even the same species as him. Oh well. Puppies will be puppies I suppose.

I am just relieved that there is a light at the end of the tunnel for Bo-Bo's aggression issues with other dogs. I have a guy coming by in a couple of weeks to work with Bo-Bo on that. His name is Sean, and he was trained by Cesar Milan, The Dog Whisperer, on how to rehabilitate dogs. Fabulous! You can see a story on his dog rehabilitation techngiques by clicking here.

He is NOT cheap, but I worked out a deal with him. So, we're all good. I will be happy to have a more balanced puppy around the house, I'm sure my neighbors will, too!

Happy Friday!

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