Thursday, October 23, 2008

Angel Cards-

Okay, most people who know me are aware that I love stuff about angels and all that jazz. I really like Angel Cards--particularly by Doreen Virtue. They are NOT Tarot cards, but are meant to help you clear up your foresight a bit- give you messages your angels want you to have that perhaps you wouldn't pick-up otherwise. If anything, they make you feel better in that moment.

So--I actually have a link to these cards on the right side of my blog, but thought I would re-post it here so you could have fun and try it out. This link goes directly to another set of divination Angel cards, but at the top of the website you can click on the link to the Doreen Virtue cards as well. I actually own and have used the cards pictured above-- It's a lot of fun, and maybe you will learn something about yourself. Oh, and of course, it's free for anyone--just a nice little site.


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