Monday, June 16, 2008


Fun story: My good friend and co-worker recently traveled to Malaysia and Vietnam for her Master's Program at DU. While she was there she and a friend met a monk who was selling wares on the side of the road to benefit a special cause. Anyway, the monk was selling some items to her traveling companion and not really paying attention to her when he suddenly looked at her and told her, "Your friend in the States needs peace. Bring this to her--she should wear it, it will bring her peace." (Mind you, he had no idea she was from the States). She immediately thought of me and offered him money for it, but he would not take any money for it. She brought it to me today and our friend who is Chinese interpreted the symbols on the necklace. One meant "safe at home" (i.e. peace) and the other was a symbol for "monkey". The really interesting thing is I was born under the "sign of the monkey" under the Chinese horoscope. It seemed like it was meant to be. Very cool.

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