Thursday, January 29, 2009

So Tired---


I'm sleepy. Always sleepy--and I'm sick of it!

I am NOT a morning person nor have I ever been. To make matter worse-- since I've moved I have to wake up even *earlier* to get to work at a reasonable hour. Part of the problem is that I require much more sleep than the average adult--it takes 9 to 10 hours makes me happy. However, that never really happens on weeknights--as I am sure we are all to aware.

Even assuming that I *could* get that much sleep there is still another problem I run into: I am consistently woken up by my alarm in the middle of a dream. Why is this a problem? Well, for those who are not aware, when were are actively dreaming we are in the middle of a REM cycle--the deepest part of it--and when we are roused during a dream we are forced out of that deep dreamy world--hence we are more drowsy than if we were awakened during lighter parts of our sleep cycle. Make sense?

Good news is that modern science has found a cure of sorts by designing some alarm clocks that actually monitor your sleep pattern (through wrist bands) and wake you when you are NOT in a deep slumber--therefore you wake up more refreshed. Pretty cool idea. You can check out the websites to these little devices by clicking HERE & HERE

So why don't I buy the clock and then problem solved, right? Um, no. Did you take a look at the price tags on these beauties? The cheapest is $150! That is like 3.5 mani/pedi's, 4 meals out or 2 massages with tip! Alas, it will just have to go on my wish list and when I get tired enough I will buy the silly thing.

Oh well. Till next time...

Nighty night! (not really---the day is just starting but it seemed like a cool way to end the post...tee hee.)

1 comment:

solidgold (a.k.a. our family) said...

Cool idea! I should get one of those as I hate to wake up from a deep slumber as well.
You're always keeping us up to date on the latest & greatest!