Friday, March 6, 2009

To Teach or not To Teach?

I believe in signs.

Not in any extreme--I take most things with a grain of salt; however, if something keeps coming up in my life then I usually step back and ask why that is.

Have you ever had a subject come up and up and yet you keep setting it aside? Only to have it show up in your life again? For me, it has been teaching. I have gone back and forth about my career choice when I graduate. I researched different schools (private) and their method of teaching. I looked at how to get my degree in teaching, etc. Eventually, though, the reality of how little teachers make (in many cases, less than I am now) made me put the idea of teaching back up on the shelf.

But then it just kept showing up in my life. I just recently learned that DU has an accelerated program for graduates to get their teaching license and do their student teaching and be ready to enter a classroom as a new teacher--in only 9 months! I also came across the Teach For America program months ago and was really interested. It's a paid form of volunteering for Americorps--only you teach. Check it out HERE ---I took it off my radar and then low and behold it shows up AGAIN. My mom saw a whole story on it on the news in fact.

It just keeps presenting itself, this teaching thing, so I figure, maybe I should really consider it. I told a friend about the salary issue (as in I want to make a decent one) and she told me about some private schools that pay upwards of 60 to 70K a year! I had no idea that even existed.

So, here I am again...thinking, maybe I WILL do this when I graduate. Why not, right? So...I'll let the idea "marinate" for awhile and see what happens. I think I will get an answer if I contemplate, meditate and pray on it enough.

Or, I could just check some oracle THESE.


Seriously, though...keep me in your thoughts and prayers about this...I have always felt that if we bug God enough, he has to answer us ;-).



1 comment:

The Little's said...

I really think that if something pops up that much, we need to act on it. I have a strong belief that God answers our prayers in many different ways...the more we ignore those answers, the less likely he is to respond as often in the future. Does that make sense? I really think you should look into this...really.