Tuesday, December 16, 2008

To Sleep, Perchance to Dream...

Okay, so yesterday I felt sick most of the day. This, of course, was my own fault as I forgot to take a prescription I have been on for years...and when I skip a day or two I start feeling horrible. Anyway, I forgot to take it Saturday and Sunday (not on purpose) and so yesterday, I felt ill. So when I got home from work I essentially just ate dinner and then went straight to bed. It took forEVER to fall asleep, but once I finally did I found myself in the midst of a dream I have been having for over a year now.

This dream varies in content, but it always takes place at UVSC (which is now UVU) in Orem, UT. In these dreams I am always in class or on the way to class, etc. . This time I was in a math class, which makes sense since I'm dreading next quarter where I am taking 2 math classes (at Denver University). Anyway, I am just trying to figure out why I keep having this dream over and over again. Do I still have unfinished business there? Does UVSC represent something that I am trying to relive? It's starting to get annoying---if I only I knew WHY I was having this dream then maybe I could do something about it--obviously my psyche is trying to tell me something...but what?

Oh well.

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